Employer Branding

Why Should HR Learn About Marketing

In an era that sees collaborative participation between HR and Marketing, the art of functioning has taken a shift from the usual standards. Employees are being realized as internal customers by the organizations.

It has forced the HR teams to redesign their strategies for a focused set of efforts to sustain existing and attract prospective employees.

With given infinite choices in the external world for to choose from, employees act for the most excellent opportunity to become bespoke in creating meaningful and productive relationships both internally and externally while emphasizing on the need of strategic messaging and communication of the brand to the target group.

In the view of new talent and organizational development, HR departments require to expand their roles to areas falling under employer Branding and diversity initiatives, leadership development and training apart from their existing portfolio.

It has highlighted the requirement of developing campaigns to grow employer awareness and build the employer brand as a great place to work.

The activities undertaken by an organization for attracting and retaining the best talents hold to the essence of Employer Branding.

A new buzz word within most organizations, it is an internal culture a company creates based on their brand story that is to be lived out with values both internally and externally. Henceforth, emphasizing on the essentialness of being well versed with marketing for HR personnel.

While working on the value propositions, marketing teams are more focused on creating campaigns to engage with existing clients and win potential customers. That makes it prudent to fill the observed gaps by the HR teams, which is to establish the employer Brand by delivering consistent brand messages to current / prospective employees and engaging with them in several formats to promote the organization and its values.

In a state of austere competition, employer branding efforts taken by the businesses within the organization benefit in several ways:

  • Growing organizational and personal brand
  • Talent attraction and retention
  • Higher engagement and motivation among employees
  • Better business performance
  • Becoming a most prospective employer



With the rise of the Internet and social media, the world is moving steadily towards the digital realm. As marketing focuses on customers to drive sales and build an organizational brand, for the HR, it is the talent market.

HR is the face of the company’s recruitment process, effective use of social media can help in the recruitment and targeting potential employees. With the virtualization of the process, it helps in actively reaching the right candidates and also establish both, personal and organizational brand.

Regular updates on the company’s social media channels, active engagement from user’s build credibility to connect with millennials.



Organizations tend to attract and retain talent by providing a great work culture, investing in training employees, offering an equable work environment. Messaging for clients and potential employees needs to be different with effective use of social media, job portals, careers and company website.

While HR can target the prospective employees and promote organization as a preferred employer brand, marketing focusses on promoting the organizational brand, company offerings.

Enhancing digital experience using technology pays off in reaching the target audience and establishing a positive image of the organization, its approach, culture, and practices.



It is the organization’s act of dissemination using various channels that lists a range of opportunities, which marketing presents as an aid in raising the profile of HR in many organizations: newsletters, events, internal social media, company communications, employee testimonials, an alliance for employee development, etc.

A collaborative practice with innovative approaches allows employees to regularly engage with their peers, stay informed on developments within the organization, pay attention to personal wellness and growth. It results in helping employees feel motivated and involved in the workplace.



With newer trends of promotion and measuring success, the need has arisen for data analysis. The reliance on tools like big data and surveys would result in driving change and adding more value with better business performance. As happy employees are known to be better performers.

Not limiting to turnover rates or employee engagement levels, but also tracking and measuring other metrics related to employee development in his/her lifecycle. HR can position itself as a business within the business by investing in a branding strategy and its execution plan.



Marketing presents the idea of purchase with experience, which is why brand experience is given the utmost value to allow the best experience to its customers strategically.

For HR, what matters is going out of the box and creating a seamless employee experience by leveraging multiple channels and various other teams within the organization. The investment of time in providing an improved workspace, training, and benefits helps in transcending the workplace and reaching out in every employee’s overall life.

All this is observed and reviewed on the platforms like Glassdoor, Indeed, Mouthshut among others holding to the positive and negative experience of an employee with the organization.

Employer Branding counts on a unified strategy that drives efforts towards leadership visibility to strengthen a company or an organization’s employer brand. While Marketing focuses on customers, it is the employees who take the place for HR as internal customers of the company.

It calls for the need to become adept with marketing function. We can help you HR leaders with marketing support to enable change in the following ways:



Including the external customers in your organizational chart for better realization of consumer’s interest and define the highest levels of delivery standards with a focus on what is valued and can create an impact.
We can help you effectively manage your reviews on the employee feedback platforms, like Glassdoor, Indeed, etc.



Measuring the results helps in ascertaining the impact, indicating how it has benefitted the internal customers. It gives a stance to the formation of new strategies for better profiling and determining ways to optimize the progressive areas continuously.

  • Content Marketing and Employee Advocacy for your Audience
    Elevating your digital connects, utilizing social selling programs and other tools to vividly increase the reach of your content can grow your social presence with the help of your employees who confirm to have ten times larger reach as combined connections than any company’s followers.

It is essential to know your internal customers/employees better, creating or sharing relevant content can help in forming more connections, establish contacts with other leaders and promote a personal/organizational brand.

We can help you focus on your organic outreach, strategize and create effective campaigns to suit organizational needs based on Analytics. Our specialization in offering strategic content marketing solutions can help you upgrade your website and internal portals.



Social Media Marketing is another way to showcase your organizational brand, attract talent and win over the company’s customers,

At the same time, having a Careers website and Alumni relations portal in place provides an opportunity to list the latest job opportunities and also talk about the workplace and organizational practices in a more personalized format.

An alumni portal provides great support in leveraging employee ambassadorship, establishing a long-lasting connect and in having ex-employee wanting to decide to rejoin the organization.

We can help you promote your brand by managing your talent marketing related initiatives on social media platforms through paid campaigns and ease you on the everyday challenges related to recruitment.

Our programming and development skills can help you build and establish your career’s website and alumni relations portal. We also provide support with strategic initiatives, like wireframe and structure formation, video scripting and shooting, content related to the website, blogs, etc.



Building the Leadership brand to position them as the Thought leaders in the industry and reflect on their attributes is a trend and is essential in the age of new developments and advancements in the Industry.

We can help you promote your organizational leaders through social media and thought leadership programs, representing you or participating on your behalf during industry meets. It will help you strengthen your position as an organization and build active connects with the peer’s 

group in the industry.



Leveraging technology to enhance employee experience and promote employer messaging by using innovative solutions is a widely demanding practice by the organizations.

We can help you create your internal solutions in effectively communicating and engaging with your employees through apps/AR/VR.

It is the time to know the power of strategic HR ascribed with the knowledge of marketing, contact us to learn more and advance your organizational initiatives.